Writing this post at a time like this feels weird to be honest. Our Facebook feeds are filled with news that are equal parts helpful yet anxiety-inducing. Our IG posts are devoid of the usual #inspo fanfare and our Messenger is constantly buzzing with either a barrage of forwarded information or supposedly stress-reducing memes. While some say that staying at home is the least we can do, it should not be all we can do. With Internet access and social media, there is plenty to do even as we confine ourselves to stay put. Cursing at the TV is not a solution, saying a prayer is. Making sure to check the legitimacy of your news’ source before clicking share is. Checking in on people, figuring out how to get support to them one way or another is. Donating if you can is. Staying at home is just one solution and it is an important one to help flatten the curve. If you were given the choice and the privilege to stay at home, be thankful and stop complaining.
Now is not a time to learn a new skill or clean out your closet. But if you can, if it’s what you can do to cope with the stress of the situation, then by all means do so. I know I will eventually clean up my closet one of these days. I know I’m writing this post so I can avoid getting panic attacks. I’m starting this blog so I can continue to write. If you chance upon this, I hope reading through will get your mind off the stress even for just a while. A little step back to recharge and move forward. At the end of the day, we’re all just doing our best to cope. Just please stop posting things like “Sobrang boring jusko” when there are people out there literally risking their lives to save others. Staying at home for many means children missing classes, businesses suffering a loss, bills in danger of getting unpaid, and daily earners losing their source of income. Your “boredom” is the cheapest payment you can afford for the hope that there will be a better tomorrow.
*This post was written last March 18, 2020, a few days after the Enhanced Community Quarantine was imposed in the Philippines.